Dr. Tree Fruit and Don
This podcast focuses on providing timely commercial tree fruit production advice for beginning industry professionals and seasoned growers. Educators from Penn State Extension and faculty from Penn State University’s horticulture, entomology, and plant pathology departments drop in to give insights and observations about what is going on in the orchards.
Dr. Tree Fruit and Don
Fruit Bites 5: 6.6.2022, Orchard Highlights for Early June
Penn State Extension
Season 3
In this 5th Fruit Bite, Kari highlights codling moths and pheromone trapping, fire blight infections and tool cleaning, and rosy apple aphid control. Keep an eye out for sooty blotch and flyspeck.
If anyone wants to register for the Fruit Research and Extension Center field day in Biglerville, please reach out to Dr. Peter by email, at kap22@psu.edu.
Don Seifrit (host)
Kari Peter (speaker)
Lead Image: K. Peter, Penn State
Make sure you sign up to get notified of future Extension events for tree fruit growers!
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Flight Seasonalities of Main Fruit Pests During the Growing Season